No other kit aircraft offers the performance, comfort and superior aesthetics of the standard Velocity.
You don’t land in this aircraft – you arrive in it. Ramp appeal; head turner; call it what you like. Most importantly, it’s not another RV.
The Velocity’s stall-proof and spin-proof aerodynamic stability is one of its strongest assets. Quite simply, the canard wing stalls before the main wing does; this drops the nose so that aviation may continue without those annoying squealing sounds. Good stuff.
Featuring easy-entry dual gull-wing doors, the SE accommodates 160 to 215 HP powerplants, providing a cruise of from 160 to 187 knots, depending on horsepower, propeller pitch and landing gear selected. As with the XL model, this SE kit is available with fixed or retract gear.
I have offered a discount if you also opt for the Viking 195 Turbo with CSU (aka VIP) option. Why? Because it’s the best engine for the job. You need the turbo to reach the benefits of high altitude TAS, you need to CSU to come anywhere near those top speeds, and I know this configuration works really well. You’ll be very happy with it. Also, if we ship the engine with your kit we save on a lot of freight and this saving is passed on to you.
The Velocity SE-RG with a Viking 195 Turbo and VIP is the perfect economical travel machine – you’ll be good for 170+KIAS while pulling less than 30 L/hour. About 10 liters per 100km; better economy than my car, a lot faster than my car and is much better at crossing the Tasman Sea.
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