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CH750 STOL Long Range Fuel Tank Option

CH750 STOL Long Range Fuel Tank Option


James’ note:  Again, this should not really be an option.  It’s OK not to have a huge range if you are flying in NZ or the USA – Either you can’t really fly that far or there’s an airport every 20 miles.  If you are flying in Australia and you ever plan on selling your aircraft for a good price – then please do yourself a favour and include the Long Range Tank.

The extra 30 liters is pretty close to an extra 2 hours of flight time (depending on which engine you get and how hard you run the throttle, you should expect between 15 – 20 l.p.h).



This kit option increases the fuel capacity (and range) of the aircraft to a total of 30 US Gallons (2 x 15), replacing the standard 24 U.S. Gallon fuel tanks.  An increase in fuel capacity from 90 Liters to 113 Liters.  Choose the Viking Firewall forward kit and you will get an additional 10 Liters of usable fuel with their included header tank.  The extra 33 liters is pretty close to an extra 2 hours of flight time (depending on which engine you get and how hard you run the throttle you should expect between 15 – 20 l.p.h), or 300km of range.

The price is the additional cost for a pair of larger welded aluminum wing tanks.

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