For many customers building your own aircraft is an important part of the ownership experience.
For others, it’s something they could really do without!
For everyone else – there’s Builder Assistance.
Builder Assistance is where I help you to complete your project. Builder Assistance is a flexible engagement whereby you pick the level of completion that suits you best. Every Builder Assistance package is different, so please let me know if this is of interest to you and we can discuss your options together.
Stage One of Builder Assistance: Quick Build. Your standard kit and any options that you have purchased is delivered to my workshop in Melbourne. Your kit is unpacked, inventoried and work immediately begins on building your project up to 49% completion. If time is of the essence then the Quick Build option is highly recommended. I can have several trusted builders working on various components simultaneously to really get things moving along and still maintain the highest standards of workmanship. This way, you are the majority builder and get all the benefits that this imparts. At this point I can personally deliver the QB Kit to you or you can come and join me for Stage Two.

Stage Two of Builder Assistance: EITHER Live-In at my place, or I come to you.
Live-In at the luxury Bed and Breakfast facility ( that is co-located on the same property as my workshop. We work together to see your project completed. It is a 250m walk down my runway to the workshop every day, so no time is lost travelling!

I come to you involves exactly that!
This option if fantastic for customers that feel like they would like a little encouragement and supervision while they find their feet. I load your kit onto my dedicated delivery trailer along with all of my tools. A day or two later I arrive in my fully self-contained motorhome with all we need to put some HUGE days into getting your dream project off the ground. Hey – you’re already paying for the kit to be delivered, so why not spring for another couple of days’ work while I’m there?

We can stop at the airframe, engine or fully flying stage. Whatever you like.
Travel is $2.00/km for travel from Swish Projects to you (you only pay the rate for a one-way journey distance, but it covers the return leg too).
- Tolls and Ferry are paid ‘at cost’ and will be invoiced once I get the bills in.
- Any return journey over 10 hours’ duration will be split over two days. Maximum consecutive days of travel capped at 10 hours/day.
- Additional Daily rate of $199 (inc. GST) applies to every overnight stay required.
- Builder Assist (your place or mine – same rate) is $88.00 (inc. GST) per hour. Minimum hours will apply, depending on how far away I need to travel. I like to work at least 10 hours/day to really make the most of our opportunity together so make sure you wear comfortable shoes!!